After-circumcision Care for Your Baby

Your baby will require special care after a Melbourne circumcision. It will be red for several more days, and may bleed. Take extra precautions. To remove stitches, you should use a pair sterilized scissors. You should also use tweezers to grab the knot. During the first few weeks, your baby will likely bleed a bit. You should clean the area every day, especially after a bowel movement. Petroleum jelly can be used liberally.

Within a few hours, or even over the next day, the cut edge will begin to seal. The area behind the glans will become slightly swollen, but this will go away in a week or two. After a few days, your child will develop a green or yellow patch over the wound site. This is normal and does not indicate an infection. It can take up two weeks for the glans fully to settle.

For the first few days, your child may not be able to eat. You can prepare a regular diet for him. After his circumcision, he will be able resume his normal eating habits. He can wear loose-fitting clothes while the incision heals. To ease the pain, you could also give him/her a CALPOL and Neurofen Paediatric. Some babies may experience swelling around the wound site. This can be very painful.

Your child will need loose clothing for the next few days after a circumcision. Two weeks should be spent not having sex. Some children will not feel well for several days so it is best to avoid sex during this time. He or she can eat a normal diet after the circumcision, but you should be careful not to try to take a shower right after the procedure.

You should keep your child in loose-fitting clothes for several days after the procedure. You will need to give your child a few days for recovery. However, they should resume their normal diet within a week. You should change your child’s diaper immediately afterward. The area that was cut will be sore for a few more days. The sun and swimming pool should be avoided for a few days. You should make sure your child sleeps on a pillow or on a soft surface.

Your child should wear loose clothing for the first two days after a circumcision. Avoid using sharp objects or splinters around the circumcision area. If your child received anesthesia, you should wash his or her penis with warm water. After a few days, he/she can resume eating normal food. If he or she experiences bleeding, they should not try to lick the area or rub it with their hands.

For the first few weeks after the procedure, it is best to avoid any major exams. It is important to get some rest, especially after an operation. Your child should not be able to get up on their own. It is also recommended to avoid vigorous sports or energetic activities until the wound is fully healed. To prevent infection, your child should stay indoors the first few days. The surgeon will perform this procedure in a private area so that he/she can monitor it from inside.

After a circumcision, the cut edge will be closed within a few minutes and will seal over the next few hours. For a few days, the area behind the glans may appear green and yellow. This is not an infection and will disappear within a week. For several weeks after the procedure, you should avoid drinking alcohol or other strong liquids. After a circumcision, your child should be able to eat normal foods for a day or two. Also, take a good shower.

After the circumcision, you should avoid touching the area with your fingers. This could lead to infections. You should avoid touching the area with your finger, and try not to touch the wound with your other hand. Avoid rubbing the wound with your hands or feet. In the first few weeks after the circumcision, your child may cry or be fussy. Your baby may need to be changed frequently.