Advantages of Circumcision

Sydney circumcision can serve many important medical, religious, and cultural functions. It can prevent diseases and disorders like balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis and paraphimosis as well as help improve overall health and well-being.

Reduce urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from being retained under your foreskin and entering your urinestream, as well as reduce sexually transmitted infections like HIV and herpes.

Prevention of phimosis and paraphimosis

Circumcision Melbourne is generally recommended as a preventative measure against phimosis and paraphimosis in boys, which occurs when the foreskin (also called prepuce) covering the head (glans) of the penis becomes stuck behind its tip (preputial ring). Retraction should normally be simple but may become challenging due to infections, injuries or scar tissue build-up; although in rare instances fibrous scar tissue could also contribute.

Phimosis can be an unpleasant condition that hinders hygiene and sexual function. Symptoms may include swelling of the glans, difficulty urinating and painful attempts to retract the foreskin. Prevention requires good hygiene practices such as pulling back the foreskin fully when bathing and carefully washing it after each visit to the wash. Circumcision is a simple procedure which may be performed at any age – although for best results it should occur when infants are still young.

Studies have demonstrated that circumcision can lower your risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), though not completely; condom use during sexual encounters remains essential for maximum protection.

Prevention of urinary tract infections

Circumcision can substantially lower the risk of urinary tract infections in infants. According to one study, circumcised infants have only a one in 1000 risk of UTIs as opposed to an uncircumcised boy who faces one out of 100 chances. Furthermore, as one studies suggests, risk decreases with age.

Researchers conducted 22 studies, involving more than 407,000 babies. Their analysis concluded that circumcised babies have approximately three to four times lower risks of urinary tract infection compared with intact males of equal age.

Circumcision can pose risks that include minor bleeding, irritation and inflammation of the penis. These issues are usually due to contact with dirty diapers or ammonia-rich urine; these issues can often be corrected by applying petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment after each diaper change for several days after each diaper change. According to American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, parents have ultimate discretion as to whether their child will undergo circumcision.

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections

Urinary tract infections, more commonly known as urinary tract infections (UTIs), are less likely to affect circumcised boys as their foreskin does not trap faeces in its foreskin, making keeping a clean penis easier, decreasing risks such as chlamydia and herpes transmission.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that circumcision can substantially decrease a man’s risk of HIV in heterosexual contact, particularly in areas with high rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Circumcision also protects against syphilis, herpes simplex infections and genital warts as well as lowers risks such as gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis infection.

However, these benefits do not appear for intact males or women, and there may be other ways of avoiding sexually transmitted conditions besides using condoms; parents are best equipped to make this decision for their children by considering all available medical information and personal considerations when making this choice.

Prevention of cancer of the penis

Men who undergo circumcision have a lower chance of penile cancer compared to uncircumcised men. Circumcision helps remove precancerous or cancerous cells that could harbor in the foreskin, making cleaning of the penis easier, which in turn may reduce infections that increase risk and possibly increase risks of penile cancer.

Sometimes the foreskin can become irritated and cause the tip of the penis to close, leading to phimosis which must be corrected surgically. Although circumcised men can experience it too, uncircumcised males typically have more issues as their foreskin tends to become irritated more easily than circumcised ones.

Even with all its health advantages, some parents still choose not to have their children circumcised for religious, social or cultural beliefs. No matter which choice is made by parents regarding circumcision of children; all should learn good hygiene and use safe sexual practices in order to protect their health and stay safe during sexual relationships.